So, as I've posted before, I have a very VERY strained relationship with my mother. But I've tried. I asked her if she wanted to go wedding dress shopping and she informed me "It isn't my thing". Well this morning, I got up 2 hours early to go cut, color and style her hair for a funeral and I was just making small talk. I then invited her and my father up to Minneapolis this weekend since we are going to be up there so my FI can be with his daughter for fathers day. My kids are with their dad in NC so I thought my parents would enjoy being with my FI's daughter, soon to be their granddaughter, also. I also mentioned that it would be a good time for them to meet my FI ex-inlaws (with whom he is still very close and I am too now), since they are going to be at our wedding. She said no, they didn't feel like the four hour drive. Ok, fine. Then she asked me, "Well just how big of a wedding are you planning?" I told her I didn't know, because we are paying for it ourselves and I know already what she thinks about us "wasting" our money on an "unnecessary wedding". She then looked right at me and said "Well your dad and I just aren't comfortable with you inviting any of our friends to the wedding." Ok...I was assuming she was talking about the friends I don't really know and am ok with not inviting. But then she went on to list about 6 or 7 couple friends of theirs who mean a lot to me. These people have been there for me and been a part of my life for almost as long as I can remember! My children know them and my FI knows them (even plays golf with one of them). I was speechless. I don't even know what to say or do! I point blank asked her if she didn't think I should marry my FI since she's so against my wedding. She said no, she love my FI and is happy I found someone. But she can't and won't support me having a big wedding, but will support my marriage. What do I do?