My sister is getting married and her fiancee has a 9 year old son. The 9 year old is the best man. They would like him to say a few words at the wedding, but we don't think he will.
I'm trying to think of something special to do with him for his "new family." I'm going to approach him and ask if he would feel better saying something with me, like a poem or a quote from a book. I haven't found anything exactly on point yet in terms of a poem or quote. I may do Oh the Places You Will Go by Dr. Suess, but I'm still looking.
Alternatively, I thought I could ask him to make his parents something. Draw a family photo or whatever he would like to do, and present that gift to them at the reception. He is 9, I'm not sure if he is into drawing and coloring anymore, but I could ask.
Anyone else have any ideas on what to do?? He's a quiet boy and I'm not sure how much feedback I'm going to get from him when I ask.
Thank you!