Long story short… my EH has primary custody of our 2 children. When we divorced I left and we made the decision that the schools were better where he is and we didn't want to shake the kids lives up too bad. It works for the most part but I feel so less than a woman and mother sometimes. Today is one of those days. It's like I feel like I'm SUPPOSED to have them because society says so and my family pretty much feels that way too. I let them pressure me into a nasty custody battle and now the relationship is SEVERELY strained between my EH and I. I've apologized to him for everything we went through (in an attempt to mend the parenting relationship at the very least...) Now it's as if I have to ask his permission to see my own children and its terribly degrading. There STILL isn't a court order that irons out our parenting/custody agreement and right now he has the "upper hand" because they are with him the majority of the time (the school year). It is now summer and well... I don't have them because he wont "let" me. I just asked to have them for the upcoming holiday weekend and he told me he already had plans. Yes I know I can go to court and fight this thing out but as some of you know that's SO taxing and it doesn't help that we are in two TOTALLY different regions of the country. I don't even know what advice I'm asking for... if any. I just feel less than a woman and mother right now and it's killing me. I keep telling myself that I'm doing what's best for my children and their education but gosh.... FI is VERY supportive but even he can't understand the feelings I go
Any ladies dealt with something like this before?
Having a LOWER than low day

Are on the way! The rest don't matter... FINAL COUNT~!