Second Weddings

Unusual idea for a 3rd (for both of us) wedding

We're considering trying something fun and unusual this time around. We want to invite our friends and family to an "engagement party" on a Saturday afternoon, then towards the end announce we're actually going to the church right then. SURPRISE!  It's a backwards concept ... something like having the reception first. Has anyone tried anything like this before?

Re: Unusual idea for a 3rd (for both of us) wedding

  • So I don't love the idea of a surprise wedding, but if you know your guests well and they would find it fun- sure, why not? 
    I would really think it through though.  There may be some logistical issues that would be a barrier. 

    *Things like - family/ friends thinking that the party will last hours, and tying one on to start with, then being faced with having to drive to the church.  Having the party first means the guests will perhaps be more rambunctious at the ceremony.
    *Family/friends who would never blow off your wedding thinking that their great aunt Tillie's 90th birthday in Topeka is more important than your "engagement party" and being heartbroken that they missed the surprise wedding, and a little ticked off, too.
    *Photos - people will think it odd that you have a photographer at an engagement party, but I suppose you could have the photos start at the church.  Same thing with flowers.  Cake? 
    *Toasts - maybe you can skip it, but many toast-givers like some time to think about what to say and to practice. 

    I am sure there's more considerations.  None are show stoppers, but just need a plan. ~Donna
  • would the person performing the ceremony at the church be willing to do the wedding at the party?

  • Some may object to having a wedding ceremony sprung on them at the last moment especially if the ceremony is held in a church.  Most folks like to dress a certain way to be in the chapel and may not dress that way for an engagement party. Perhaps if you have your Minister come to the party and have the ceremony there people may not be as uncomfortable. 
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