Second Weddings

Wording for when child gives you away

This is my second wedding (bride) and my 16 yr old son is walking me down the aisle. My 24 yr old daughter is my bridesmaid and will already be up at the altar when we get there. When the judge asks "Who gives this bride away" I get stumped. I was thinking that when we arrive, my daughter joins us, and then when the Judge asks, they can say "her children do"

Any suggestions? (All my children are very supportive of me marrying Rob)

P.S. My 18 yr old son was supposed to walk me down too, but just moved to Kodiak Alaska and can't afford to come. So I will be very emotional. :(

Re: Wording for when child gives you away

  • Sue-n-KevinSue-n-Kevin member
    Seventh Anniversary 5000 Comments 25 Love Its First Answer
    edited December 2011
    To be honest, I don't think the judge has to ask that question. I'm pretty sure whatever words they use (other than something where you say you are agreeing to the marriage) is pretty much up to you. I'd think this is especially true for older brides (like myself) or brides who are not moving from their parent's house to their new husband's.

    I'd say ditch the wording, and allow the symbolism of him (or both of them) walking you down the aisle stand on it's own.
  • Lisa50Lisa50 member
    2500 Comments 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    I got married in the Catholic Church (the first time) and there was no such phrasing.  My dad escorted me up the aisle, gave me a kiss at the first pew, sat down beside my mom and that was it.  Actually, I've never been to a wedding where "Who gives this woman?" is used.  Huh ... just realized that.  I've only seen it in the movies and on TV.

    Anyhoo ... no need for the language at all.
  • edited December 2011
    I agree with all that. I guess with them agreeing to be in it and there, is testimony enough  that they support it.

  • edited December 2011
    Two of my sons are walking me down the asile. They are still young but I think it will look cute. ( They will be 9 and 8) I was going to have them ask "Who gives this woman and them say we do."
  • edited December 2011
    Soon to be Mrs B,

    It will be cute.

    Ya I was thinking having the Judge ask "Who supports the Marriage of this man and this woman?" Then my kids saying "her children do"

    Just a thought.
  • edited December 2011
    Two stories:
    (1) a friend asked her 6ish son to walk her down the aisle.  At some point he heard her refer to it as "giving her away".  On her wedding night he was with her mother.  Bride got a call from her mother who apologetically told her that she was unable to calm him down.  He was crying hysterically, sobbing, "I...don' give...her...a--wayyyyyy!  I want her back!"  It took quite a long conversation with her and her new husband to explain that it was only a phrase. 
    (2) Our officiant asked the assembled guests to offer a blessing over us, first asking the children to bless and support us, then our families and then our assembled guests.  This was the extent of the family acknowledgement in our ceremony. ~Donna
  • edited December 2011
    My son (he will have just turned 14 the weeke before the wedding) is walking me down the aisle and my daughters (19,MOH, & 9, FG) will join hime when we get to the front. The minister is going to ask "Who invites this man to join this family?" and have the children respond "We do". My oldest helped FH plan the proposal (he showed her the ring and asked her permission) and all three kids love him. The youngest would have then wedding nest week if we could pull it all together.
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