Fiancé - Male Groom-to-be
Fiancée - Female Bride-to-be
Affianced - An engaged couple
Aisle - The walkway between benches or chairs that brides walk down
Isle - An Island
Easel - A stand to display art
Wedding - A ceremony legally binding two persons in life to one another who were legally single prior - Can be performed by a JoP, on the beach, at a church, home, garden. patio - can be just the couple or guests included. If the couple ends up married at the end of the day it was real and a wedding regardless of where it occurred.
Second Wedding - Occurs after either the passing of a spouse or a divorce and when both parties are ready (we hope) and is not a vow renewal (see below).
Vow Renewal - A ceremony where a couple pledges to continue to love one another usually done after a significant amount of time has passed (10 or more years) or the couple has survived a major martial blow.
Reception - A party usually hosted by the new wed couple or their parents for their guests after the wedding ceremony.
Role - Mother-of-the Bride, Mother-of-the-Groom. Bridesmaids, Groomsmen - etc
Roll - A small bread like pastry.
Retread I am sure that there are more than these few I have put here that are misused .
Please ladies feel free to add more to the list. :-)