As many of you know I have had nothing but issues with the vendor of the website that I "won" an opportunity to write blogs in exchange for a gown. Today I sent the Marketing Director an email with the picture of the back bodice of the sample gown and the back bodice of my gown when it arrived. The two pictures make it obvious there was an error in how the gown was sewn when seen together.
I have not heard from her since the 19th of January, when I received an apologetic email with offers to let me out of the agreement and for a veil for my 'trouble". The subsequent email that was to have the official agreement release and pictures of the veils never arrived. The three emails I had sent prior to the one today also went unanswered.
If I do not hear anything from them I will submit the two blogs I have about the gown and how it arrived. That should get someone's attention. One would hope.