Second Weddings

Wedding Renewal

My husband and I will be renewing our vows next year. The reception will be at our local Moose lodge but still no place for the ceremony. Our moose lodge told us we could have it outside in the back area. They would provide a trellis/gazebo for the ceremony. It would be non-denomenational(spelled right?). Sounds good. Its small and cute, nothing fancy. I didn't have a wedding the first time, we got married at L.A. City Hall. Although my husband appreciates the offer, he said he wanted some place special for me but we're so budgeted, I'm looking at what I can get right now. Its the right price, $0.00.

Would like your thoughts about the ceremony.

Re: Wedding Renewal

  • handfast4mehandfast4me member
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 5 Love Its
    edited December 2011
    First of all, it's called a VOW renewal, not a "wedding" renewal.  Second, if it was a wedding from which you have to be dead or divorced to exit, it was a REAL wedding.  What you've said above insults all of us who CHOSE to have a small wedding with just the officiant present.  As you did, actually.  You CHOSE to do it that way, and now it sounds like you want a do-over to get your pretty pretty princess day. 

    Most of the women here are getting married to a second (or third, or fourth in some cases) spouse due to divorce or death. 
    image Don't mess with the old dogs; age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill! BS and brilliance only come with age and experience.
  • edited December 2011
    It's a vow renewal and this isn't really the right forum for that, also you'll probably get more useful information on your local boards where people know the area.

     I lived in your area for about 4 years, and it's very very expensive to book any of the venues in the area, and so frankly, free sounds great. There's also plenty of natural beauty, gorgeous parks, beaches and vistas. 
    You may also consider the El Presidio chapel, which is a museum. It could be rented for about $1,500 in 2005, which was dirt cheap back then. They did require me to takeout a million dollars on my homeowner's policy to insure it for the day. Which was a shock, but turned out to be affordable after I spoke to my agent.
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