My sister (the drama queen) is so far from gracious and it irkes me to no end. Yes, I know that she's selfish and self-centered...but I don't have to like it.
So here's what's bothersome to me; those who cannot say a simple thank you for a gift or gifts received. My sister has two boys one developmentally challenged and one who is "normal", we send gift cards or monetary gifts to them and she doesn't even acknowledge the gift - I have to ask our mom if they got the gift. It's been this way for years and yes I have talked to her about it - but to no avail. I don't want to not do something nice for my nephews but at the same time I would appreciate at least knowing that they recieved the gift. My sister makes it feel like to the giver it's expected and therefor not worthy of appreciation.
Our DD has to say thank you either via a phone call, email or hand written note before she can even use the gift - period. So it's not like my sister doesn't have plenty of examples around - she's just too selfish to even think about anyone else, and it irkes me.
Thanks for letting me vent...