I have asked two of my friends to be my Matrons of honor. They have been through my previous marriage planning, the falling apart of that one and had actually had a part in meeting my FI this time around. The problem is, I am now in NC and they are in MI. Money is tight all around. FI offered to pay for their hotel while here for the wedding and I offered to pay for part if not all of the dresses. Problem is, neither of them could commit. They weren't sure they would be able to afford it.
Did anyone else have an issue with this the second time around? I recall the first time everyone was on board, and we were just starting out with NO money anywhere. Our wedding isn't going to be until summer 2011 which I would assume give them plenty of time to save some gas and food money for a long weekend trip.
Am I being harsh? What should I do? Should I give a timeline for them to accept or decline? What if they decline? Then what?