Second Weddings

The Great Gift Card Debate

Where do you fall?  Are they the lazy way out?  I was listening last week or this week to a radio program while alone at work and the subject of GCs came up.  Many callers felt they were a lazy way of gift giving.

I personally like them, but only if they are specific to the person you are giving them to.  The doc we work for loves to go to movies so my coworker and I get him GCs to the local theatres.  He loves them.

However I would not give like a Starbucks GC to someone just cuz I have no idea what to get them.  I'd dig a little deeper than just throw a GC at them.  That, to me, is a lazy way of gift giving.

With that being said tho I had an interesting discussion with adult son last week end.  He's been telling me that he's been reading a lot of James Patterson and Clive Cusler recently.  So I thought "hey a borders or amazon GC" since I didn't know which of the books he had read by either author.  As we were talking about these authors, my son told me specific books he'd like for Christmas.  I said how about a GC and you can get whichever you like.  He said, "No, you know which books I want so why would you give me a gift card?"  Okay, that's telling me Embarassed  I was just a little surprised because he really does enjoy getting gift cards that he truly wants.

What are your thoughts on GCs?  Yeah or nay?

Re: The Great Gift Card Debate

  • Lisa50Lisa50 member
    2500 Comments 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    I usually avoid giving gift cards, unless one is specifically requested.  For instance, my fiance has a Sony eReader and really appreciates Sony gift cards so he can buy books.  My son loves iTunes gift cards.  Hmm ... yup, that's about it.  Other than that, I like to buy the gift itself.
  • jerseydeviljerseydevil member
    Fourth Anniversary 500 Comments 5 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited December 2011
    I also prefer to get them a gift for Christmas. For their b-day, I'll do a GC, but only if I know it's some place they shop AND I can't think of anything specific to get them.
  • MikesAngieMikesAngie member
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary Name Dropper 5 Love Its
    edited December 2011
    I have had too many people tell me that they "forget" to use their gift cards.  I like to get gift cards to places I frequent.  I prefer to give gifts though.
  • handfast4mehandfast4me member
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 5 Love Its
    edited December 2011
    Well, I give straight out cash to my twin niece and nephew for Christmas.  They're in college, and really, that's what they need, is cash so they can go out for pizza with their friends when they want to or whatever. 

    I don't think that they're the lazy way out.  I really do sit and think about gifts each year, and some people's lives warrant a GC. 

    For example, my daughter and her husband.  They're new parents, and they're struggling to make ends meet.  They refuse to ask for help, and they're able to scrape by, but there's no room for any extras.  So, we gave them a gift card and a "coupon" for babysitting so that they can go out to dinner and a movie one night. 

    We had some friends a few years ago who were really having a tough time.  We bought them a giftcard to the grocery store they visit.  To feed their kids was really what they needed.  And they, too, refused to ask for help.  Honestly, I was afraid they were going hungry in that house.

    I would LOVE to receive a starbucks GC.  I ask for one every year, and I never get it.  Coffee is my one vice.  Well, that and swearing.  :-)

    So, in response, no, I think they're worth it, and seriously, I always use mine.  ;-)
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  • nmauser82nmauser82 member
    edited December 2011
    It depends on the person. My brother and I have an understanding that we would prefer gift cards from each other because we both admit to having no idea what the other would like to have. However, I wouldn't buy one for my DF because I feel like I should know him better and be able to come up something tangible that he would actually like.

    On the other hand, I would much prefer to recieve gift cards from parents, in-laws etc, who might not necessarily understand my personal pickiness, especially if they are going to buy me a sweater or something. I'd rather pick it out myself.

    When I do buy gift cards, I make sure to purchase one from someplace that I know thay requently shop at to avoid the whole "I forgot to use it thing".
  • edited December 2011
    I am firmly in the gift card camp.  I exchange gifts with a number of work colleagues, and while I know them well, buying a personal gift would be a challenge, and then trying to keep the gifts fairly equal as well would be a nightmare.   My brother's family and my family do a giftcard exchange as well.  It may seem silly to swap equal value gift cards, but it works for us. 
    And like handfast said, gift giving to those who really need something like food or the basics in life is simpler with gift cards.  My DD is living in her own apt, and just squeaking by (or not).  There's a nice grocery store gift card in her pile this year.  Although she wasn't too proud to take a bag of groceries out of my pantry/ freezer the other night, either! 
    My DH is one of those gift card hoarders who never uses them.  For example, he is forever asking me to "just massge my shoulders for a few minutes".  So I got him a gift certificate for a massage.  Which, of course he never redeemed.  He's impossible anyway.  ~Donna
  • Sue-n-KevinSue-n-Kevin member
    Seventh Anniversary 5000 Comments 25 Love Its First Answer
    edited December 2011

    For me, this is a tougher question than you'd think. I honestly believe it depends on the circumstances of the receiver to know if it's right or not. Some of you have expressed this in your posts.

    My son, in grad school in DC, wants money. He is taking out loans, but I'm not the type of mother to just give money, because for ME (not everyone) that's impersonal for your child (althought I've given him tiny gifts in the past, with money.....I just have to give something to OPEN! LOL) . My daughter specifically showed me the things online she wanted. But she also wants money, because she's too young to work, and has spent her allowance in advance through Jan 1st.

    For our boss, we collected money and contributed it to one of the charities she supports, she LOVED it, plus we got her a couple of personal Xmas ornaments that looked like her.

    I have no problem with gift certificates for people who are hard to buy for, as long as you know their interests and make a good choice. FYI, I walked into a Walgreen's this morning at 7 am, and there were THREE people standing in front of their massive gift card carousels making decisions. My first thought was: work gifts, LOL.

  • edited December 2011
    I love gift cards.  Sometimes they are the perfect gift.  My nephew wouldn't give me any ideas for christmas this year so we got him gift cards to the mall so that she could get something that he really wants.  Last year I got him gift cards to our local bike shop so that he could purchase more parts that he wanted.

  • Marrin713Marrin713 member
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Handfast - coffee and swearing are my ideas of a good time as well ;)  Like a sailor I do!

    I really would prefer giving a gift, but sometimes I just don't know what in the world to give someone, but if I know they love to shop at Store A, then I can do the GC and they can have at it.  I sometimes enjoy getting GCs but only if they're from somewhere I go or somewhere H and I haven't been but have been wanting to try.  My son and his g/f were having hard financial times in this last year as well, so GCs from Aldi and other local grocery stores were most welcomed.  Oddly enough they wanted no frivolous anything last Christmas and for b-days - just good old Dominick's and Jewel and PetSmart GCs.
  • edited December 2011
    I usually only give GC to those who sdk for them. My fiancee's dad is really hard to shop for and usually asks for gift cards. My oldest is almost 18 and she loves GC to stores like Old Navy & Rue 21 etter than me trying to find something that will fit her and she will like. I always try to make the gift fit the person and for some people, a gift card is the perfect gift.
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  • edited December 2011
    Personally I hate gift cards or gift certificates, I rarely use them.  I would prefer a gift that I didn't like that has thought put into it over a gift card.  My two cents.
  • AbbeyS2011AbbeyS2011 member
    edited December 2011
    I am in the gift card camp also.  I like to give restaurant GCs to my parents every year - they are both in their 70s and have everything they really need or want, plus they like to eat out.  I also like to receive GCs for anything - groceries, restaurants, etc. 

    About 4 years ago, my ex and I split up just before Christmas - December 12th to be exact.  I was stuck finding a place to live, figuring out transportation (he took the cars and refused to let me have one), etc., etc.  A co-worker and his GF gave me a GC to WalMart that year, with the receipt, telling me I could cash it in if I needed the money.  I thought that was very sweet of them both. 

    I think that giving a gift, even a GC means you thought of the person you are giving it to.  If you were not, then why would you be giving them anything in the first place? 
  • edited December 2011
    Great post Marrin. I love to get GC's especially to restaurants. Our employer always gives a nice GC to a high end restaurant chain. When I don't know what to get someone, I always get a generic Master Card Gift Card.

    Kids love getting GC mine included. I always get him gifts but he loves to buy stuff on the internet and he feels great to be able to use a GC and that is the only way he can buy games and the like on the internet. My niece and nephew are 10 and 14 and love getting them and asked for them for Christmas. I love the fact they can use them after Christmas and get more because of sales.

    My Step Son is 17 and he has been dating and "in love" with a girl for 9 months. I got him a $50 GC to a nice restaurant to take her to dinner, so it's really for both.
    I also made a copy of his favorite pic of him at her at our wedding and bought a nice frame and will give him that too.

    I don't usually get adults GC except my mom who also loves going to the movies every Saturday afternoon. She's 79 and the theatre is close and she really enjoys it so I get her movie tickets every year as well as a gift.

    Both mothers are getting home made wedding albums this year... what a project!!!!
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