Where do you fall? Are they the lazy way out? I was listening last week or this week to a radio program while alone at work and the subject of GCs came up. Many callers felt they were a lazy way of gift giving.
I personally like them, but only if they are specific to the person you are giving them to. The doc we work for loves to go to movies so my coworker and I get him GCs to the local theatres. He loves them.
However I would not give like a Starbucks GC to someone just cuz I have no idea what to get them. I'd dig a little deeper than just throw a GC at them. That, to me, is a lazy way of gift giving.
With that being said tho I had an interesting discussion with adult son last week end. He's been telling me that he's been reading a lot of James Patterson and Clive Cusler recently. So I thought "hey a borders or amazon GC" since I didn't know which of the books he had read by either author. As we were talking about these authors, my son told me specific books he'd like for Christmas. I said how about a GC and you can get whichever you like. He said, "No, you know which books I want so why would you give me a gift card?" Okay, that's telling me

I was just a little surprised because he really does enjoy getting gift cards that he truly wants.
What are your thoughts on GCs? Yeah or nay?