Second Weddings

I need some help

A very close friend of mine wants to throw me a shower.  I know that etiquette says that I should gracefully decline, but I accepted because I felt honored that she wanted to this.  Here is my dilema, she has asked me what kind of theme I want and I have no clue.  I have done some research and have seen things like "mood" showers, lingerie showers etc.  I am not really for the lingerie shower, I am very picky about what I wear because I want it to look good on me.  Not to mention I have some friends that would think it was a great idea and others that probably would die of shock if they went into a store like that.  Anyone have any suggestions?
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Re: I need some help

  • melissamc2melissamc2 member
    edited December 2011
    Why on Earth "should" you decline?  That's insane.  She wants to do it, you want to have!

    Think of what you LIKE.  I don't know what my bridesmaids and friends have planned, for sure, but I know they had me narrow it down to two themes - so I suspect it will be tasteful, grown up Hello Kitty style or Sex and the City.

    A shower theme can revolve around ANYTHING, it doesn't have to be sex or lingerie or cookware. 

    Good luck picking, and forget what anything says you "should" do, want, or think.  Only you know what is right for you.
  • ltykaltyka member
    edited December 2011
    How about making this personal with a theme about something you love - maybe a wine tasting party, where guests bring you a bottle of wine.  Or gormet coffee?  Cooking items?  Plants?
  • edited December 2011
    I don't think protocol says you should decline. I think it is fine that your friend wants to have a shower for you and you should go and enjoy it.
    I did not want a shower but my sister insited since I never had a wedding shower first time around as I married in the courthouse. We had a small group of very close friends and family about 15 people, it was lovely and I got the things I really need, like towels and sheets, glassware, and even got a sexy penior set from my FMIL.

    I agree with pp that a wine party, or coffee or something you love.
  • missty30missty30 member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    I am also doing a second wedding but i did not get one the first time so we are renewing our vows and doing it all. I have told others i want a bachelorette party so we will see if i get one. I dont think you should have declined at all and whatever kind of party it will be just tell others you dont know what the theme is going to be so that they will at least be partially prepared. Good luck on all your plans, hope it is beautiful...
  • nmauser82nmauser82 member
    edited December 2011
    By theme does she mean decorations? or gifts? I have thrown "theme" showers before but it never dictated the type of gift. It was just a guidline for buying decorations and what types of food that I prepared. You could go with a color, something that matches your wedding colors, or if you have a favorite movie, you could have fun with that. I did a tropical theme one time with tiki torches, pineapples and the like. Chocolate would be fun, you could get a fondue pot, and have lots of cakes and things.
  • edited December 2011
    Did you register somewhere? 

    I have seen Alice in Wonderland themed showers that were cute, 
    -tea party with random tea pots and cups
    -a topsy turvy cake 
    -garden colors 

    Or a Shower themed shower:
    -With umbrellas rainbows clouds etc

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