I just got engaged to the man of my dreams 2 weeks ago. We are planning a wedding on December 3. I have been married before and have a 3 year old little boy. FI has never been married. I am 22 years old and never had a real ceremony. (My first marriage was after i found out about my son and was never a healthy relationship.) Nick and I both want a wedding with attendants (4) and a reception. My one problem is my mom. She is old fashioned to be mild. She keeps telling me it is inappropriate what we are planning and would be embarrassed to send out invitations to her friends. She also does not think it is appropriate for us to have any sort of wedding showers saying its just begging people for gifts. ( I live at home and he is finishing up his masters in a college town, so we really don't have things to start a home) His family is supportive in what we are planning, and my dad is supportive saying that he doesn't necessarily think its appropriate but he wants us to be happy and he has never given me a wedding. My question is how to i work with my mom? I don't want her to be embarrassed of me at my wedding!