Hi Everyone!
I think I've posted here a couple of times awhile ago, but I mostly just lurk this board.
This is my 2nd marriage and FI's 1st. I am 26 and my first wedding happened when I was 20 because I was pregnant. (if I only knew then what I know now). Anyways, it lasted a whole 11 month before we split. The divorce was JUST final in December 09' because of property, money and custody issues of our son. It was a terrible awful nasty divroce. My now FI had been dating for a year and a half at that point. I'm so happy I've found the person I'm ment to be with and I'm totally in love with. He's a wonderful partner in life and a great step dad. We're getting married in 5 weeks
Earlier this week we went and got our marriage license. And now I'm starting to freak out. A flood of flashbacks of how awful my first "marriage" was, and how my ex completely changed IMMEDIATELY after we were married. Don't get me wrong I 100% want to be with my FI forever, but are any of you in the same position? Where the whole idea of marriage again starts to freak you out?