I asked someone to be one of my bridesmaids because she is a long time friend. I cannot un ask her however she is not being a friend as of late. She doesn't call when she tells me that she will and she blows me off when we do manage to make plans to get together. I'm worried that she wont show up when we go looking for dresses based on her forgetfulness. I also don't feel as though she values me as a friend. I am at the point where I would rather her not be a bridesmaid but again I can't very well un ask her because that would be rude but I don't know how to talk to her and try to get her to become aware of how her actions impact me. She doesn't answer the phone when I call, she rarely responds to text messages and I can't even get her to acknowledge me when I reach out to her (to get together) on a social networking site. Any advice would be greatly appreciated because all that I get from my mom is to un ask her.