I posted this in another board but it fits better here just need some advice...
My sister is my MOH. We aren't very close for varying reasons but anyway here is the story.
We were at Our Uncles FW's bridal shower. I look over to my sister and say you know for my Bridal shower I would like to do some kind of game. I find it really awkward to come eat, and then open gifts in front of everyone and eat cake... Its like its not my birthday. She then looks over to me and was like I'm not throwing you a D--- shower. I am only spending money on my shoes and maybe my hair other than that I am not spending S--- on your wedding. She then continues after the party to ask me why she is even my MOH and for that matter even a bridesmaid. She was like you won't be my MOH and I don't even want you in my wedding party. (which kind of ticks me off because I set her and her bf up) I told her that she was my sister and that she is the only one I have that is why she is my MOH. I then told her that I was only telling her ideas that I would like since she had already been asking. And that the other girls will help out on costs and that my FMIL knew she was throwing one and was planning on my BM's to just help with plans (ie no money on her part)
Now really this comment wouldn't bother me so much if she hadn't called up of of my other BM's two days after my engagement and started asking her about party ideas. Or the fact her dress is being made for by my FMIL and will only cost her about 30 dollars. Money is not a factor for her. I know she has it and flaunts it all the time. But is very selfish about it. As in they bought a new car around christmas time and a kinnect for their x-box but couldn't bother to get anyone anything but 99 cent cards.
So I know I have other things to worry about but my sisters comments are really getting to me.
Should I tell her that she is in the wrong here or is she at all? All I wanted was to tell her a few ideas..