Moms and Maids

Bummer! My bridesmaid dresses will be in very late.

My wedding is on July 5 and the cutoff to have them delivered in May was yesterday. All BM's told me they ordered them, with the latest being Wednesday, so I thought all was well. Something made me decide to call the bridal salon today and I learned that one of them just called today, and they hadn't even sent her the contract yet. As you all probably know, that means my bridal salon was not able to send ANY of the orders to the designer because they want the fabric to match. Now, that means mid-June, and I know at least some of the girls knew they'd need alterations. So, the next deadline is Wednesday, and if they don't have it by then, everyone, even the girls who ordered on time, will owe a $80 charge in order to get them in time (which really means I'd have to pay it because I'd never put that on them when it's not their fault). I really don't want to nag anyone, and I already reminded everyone of the deadline last week. I refuse to have to make myself annoying because someone isn't following directions. On Tuesday night should I just tell the bridal salon to place the orders they have to avoid the $80 (total of $320) charge even though the fabric might be a slightly different color?

Re: Bummer! My bridesmaid dresses will be in very late.

  • Yes you should tell the shop just to send out the ones they have before the rush deadline. Don't worry about the color thing. My BM ordered separately due to location.
  • edited February 2013
    Why wait until Tuesday? Call them asap and tell them to place the orders they have.

    The salon shouldn't have held those orders, without consulting you. The bit about matching dye lots is nonsense, IMO. Even if there is a slight (and it would be very slight) difference in color, no one will notice. By all means, do what it takes to avoid the $80 rush fee.

    The bm dresses are now scheduled to come in three weeks before your wedding. That is more than enough time for alterations to be done. If the salon can't do the alterations in time, your bms can take their dresses to another seamstress.
  • definitely have them place the orders they have now-- not fair to you or the girls to have to pay the late fee. If the other girl does not get hers in, thats on her, not you or the other girls.

  • EK2013EK2013 member
    100 Comments 5 Love Its First Anniversary
    edited February 2013
    In Response to <a href="">Bummer! My bridesmaid dresses will be in very late.</a>:
    [QUOTE]My wedding is on July 5 and the cutoff to have them delivered in May was yesterday. All BM's told me they ordered them, with the latest being Wednesday, so I thought all was well. Something made me decide to call the bridal salon today and I learned that one of them just called today, and they hadn't even sent her the contract yet. As you all probably know, that means my bridal salon was not able to send ANY of the orders to the designer because they want the fabric to match. Now, that means mid-June, and I know at least some of the girls knew they'd need alterations. So, the next deadline is Wednesday, and if they don't have it by then, everyone, even the girls who ordered on time, will owe a $80 charge in order to get them in time (which really means I'd have to pay it because I'd never put that on them when it's not their fault). I really don't want to nag anyone, and I already reminded everyone of the deadline last week. I refuse to have to make myself annoying because someone isn't following directions. On Tuesday night should I just tell the bridal salon to place the orders they have to avoid the $80 (total of $320) charge even though the fabric might be a slightly different color?
    Posted by AndreaJulia[/QUOTE]

    <div>Yes, yes, yes, DEFINITELY release the orders for the girls who've already paid. The dye lots almost certainly won't matter.</div>
  • Thanks! The late charge starts on Wednesday so I will call Tuesday night. The store said once we missed the Friday deadline (which we needed for May delivery), it didn't make any difference if they placed the order Saturday (yesterday) or Tuesday (for the June delivery).

    I just wish I called on Friday to try to resolve this. I just took the BM's word for it that they ordered.
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