My FMIL and I had a fine relationship before she heard we were engaged. Since then everything has turned sour. She has been single her entire life and thinks of all relationships as weak and controlling. I understand that she has a different midest because she has been alone, but trust me when I say she has chosen this route for her life. She does not acknowledge that the wedding is happening all, and when she does it is only negative comments. She demanded that all of her family was invited but basically refused to participate and give us their addresses. We finally had to get them from a distant cousin. She constantly bashes my family for spending money and says that all of this is "unecessary". I have tried reaching out to her but she immediately asks that her son be put on the phone. I understand that these are her most likely her own deep seeded issues but I feel hurt that she is acting this way. I am marrying her only child and you'd think all she would be concerned about was his happiness, but that is not the case. I know I should let things slide but I will not let myself or my family be treated like second class citizens. Worst of all she is actually hurting my fiance by these actions. Advice as to how to handle this?