Hi everyone! New here so please bear with me!
My sister is getting married and I am the MOH. I got married a few years back and she threw me the greatest bachelorette weekend with all my friends from college, and I'd really love to do the same for her. The problem is that while I was definitely a girl who had a tight group of college girl friends, she is more of a "one best friend" type of girl.
The other bridesmaids in the wedding are three of her best friends from different times in her life, and they don't know each other that well if at all. ALL of them now live more than 2000 miles away from where my sister and I live (we live within a couple hours of each other) and I don't really think they would be able to come into town for a bachelorette (one works like 90 hours a week, one has a couple kids, one lives in a different country, etc). They are coming to the wedding obviously but I know a bachelorette would be too much to ask.
In the city where she currently lives, I know she has a lot of "couples" friends but I know from talking to her that she doesn't have many if any close girl friends beyond just acquaintances there. Like she will get drinks or lunch with people, but none of them are people she is close with or who she hangs out with 1 on 1 a lot. When I asked her if she wanted a bachelorette party she said "yeah, that could be cool, but I'm not even sure who I'd invite." She doesn't have a defined group of girlfriends from high school or college. People like her, and its not like she isn't social but I think her and her fiance go out in groups a lot or with other couples - she has never been that girly girl type who is surrounded by a lot of girl friends. She also is very into her career and works a lot and I don't think that leaves her with a ton of social time.
I feel bad because I really want to give her a fun bachelorette like she did for me, as she does definitely like to go out and party and have a crazy time. has anyone as a bride or BM been in a situation like this? any suggestions?