Moms and Maids

undo a bridesmaide

3 months ago i asked someone to be in my wedding and she hasnt tried once to stay in contact with me or my fiance i would really like to cut her from the wedding party idk if she even remebers that i asked her what should i do the wedding isn't until 6-8-13

Re: undo a bridesmaide

  • In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:357Discussion:65279bf8-86e3-416a-a8a4-c10803a8e29bPost:120cf9fd-d782-4917-9c8e-9598acce93bb">undo a bridesmaide</a>:
    [QUOTE]3 months ago i asked someone to be in my wedding and she hasnt tried once to stay in contact with me or my fiance i would really like to cut her from the wedding party idk if she even remebers that i asked her what should i do the wedding isn't until 6-8-13
    Posted by jeff0908[/QUOTE]

    <strong><em>3 months ago I asked someone to be in my wedding and she hasn't tried once to stay in contact with me or my fiance.  I would really like to cut her from the wedding party.  I don't know if she even remembers that I asked her.  What should I do?  The wedding isn't until 6-8-13.

    </em></strong>Ditto Edie.  Pick up the phone and call her.  You may want to find a subject other than your wedding to discuss with her.

    And I know that you are new here but please remember that this community is a written forum.  Your post is difficult to read and I can guarantee you that if it were any longer, nobody would have even tried.  Please take the time to use punctuation and the shift key in the future.
    AKA GoodLuckBear14
  • Well, if you haven't heard from her in 3 months, why haven't you called to see if she is okay or if she's just busy?
    The answer is 'no you can't kick her out.'  I doubt that she forgot you asked her.
  • Kicking her out would permanently ruin your friendship.  Perhaps she has school or work that has kept her busy.  Your wedding is very far way, you should be more concerned about her well being than your wedding party at this point.  Call her and make sure she is okay.
  • Wow guys. Ok t the OP maybe you should have waitied a littke lnger to ask people to be in the wedding party friendships change. I dont believe that you are stuck with someone in your wedding party.  It is not proper to kick someone out but if a friendship has changed and you dont want them with you on your special day then tryst me kick them out. Know it is a freindship ending move. Wait a little longer dont do it right away talk to her see what happens you have time. If she does nto contact you about the dress or does nto get it in time then she has kicked herself out.  
    Now i dont want people freaking out on me beacsue DH had a friend who he asked to be a GM they were not as close tiem came the wedding but still friends. This GM tried to hit on me and i told DH but did not want him to loose a long friendship. So anyway after the wedding they did not talk as much because GM started a fight at our wedding and his comp died adn he stopped playing comp games which was how they mainly talked. This GM got engaged and did not ask DH to be in the wedding party which we understood no big deal. When we did not get inited to the wedding we were hurt. Then things got really bad. Long story short we are no longer friends. I wish we would have ended the friendship when DH was not sure about waitniting him in the wedding bc their friendship was chagning.  If you dont want her in the wedding and you dont want to continue the friendship then dont have her in the WP. Bc 9 months after your wedding you are gonna look at your wedding pics and be mad seeing that persons face. 
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: undo a bridesmaide</a>:
    [QUOTE]Wow guys. Ok t the OP maybe you should have waitied a littke lnger to ask people to be in the wedding party friendships change. I dont believe that you are stuck with someone in your wedding party.  It is not proper to kick someone out but if a friendship has changed and you dont want them with you on your special day then tryst me kick them out. Know it is a freindship ending move. Wait a little longer dont do it right away talk to her see what happens you have time. If she does nto contact you about the dress or does nto get it in time then she has kicked herself out.   Now i dont want people freaking out on me beacsue DH had a friend who he asked to be a GM they were not as close tiem came the wedding but still friends. This GM tried to hit on me and i told DH but did not want him to loose a long friendship. So anyway after the wedding they did not talk as much because GM started a fight at our wedding and his comp died adn he stopped playing comp games which was how they mainly talked. This GM got engaged and did not ask DH to be in the wedding party which we understood no big deal. When we did not get inited to the wedding we were hurt. Then things got really bad. Long story short we are no longer friends. I wish we would have ended the friendship when DH was not sure about waitniting him in the wedding bc their friendship was chagning.  If you dont want her in the wedding and you dont want to continue the friendship then dont have her in the WP. Bc 9 months after your wedding you are gonna look at your wedding pics and be mad seeing that persons face. 
    Posted by graffeo[/QUOTE]

    This wins the award for most difficult post I've read so far, and I'm a big lurker, so that's A LOT.  Please, proper spelling, grammar, paragraphs, this makes my eyes hurt.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • WOW I thought this was supposed to be helpfull info not bashing me to HELL.  I have tried to contact her she doesn't respond and yes I know she is alright because I know others who talk to her.  About the BYOB thing sorry everyone is not as stuck up as you are and understand that we can't aford everyone's alcohol preference, but would like them to drink what they want.  The people who are really are friends will be there no matter what and yes there is plenty of them.
  • edited February 2012

    You girls are so effin rude! Some people are not as stuck up as you and don't care about the stupid stuff.  My wedding is going to be amazing.  I came on this website to get advice not to be called names and get treated like crap.  I feel sooo sorry for the people you truly know.  It's been a while since I posted and I talked to the girl she is fine with not being a bridesmaide, I dont have stuck up friends like you girls do.  As far as the reception goes nobody cares thats they have to bring their own hard alcohol,  they completely understand that we are on a budget but we still want everyone to be able to drink what they want.  

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