Question about picking WP.
My FI has 3 siblings. All by a different father, one not same mother or father, but a current "stepdad's" son. The only one he is close to is his brother M (12)who shares his same mother but father was never around looked up to him as a father figure before current "stepdad" came around. He has a sister (16 - acts 12), who is rude annoying neither of us can deal with her, and brother P who is the current stepdads kid from previous marriage doesn't care more than likely if he is not included (13). All 3 live with his mom and current step dad.
I have a sister who lives many many states away who of course is going to be my MOH. My only sibling.
I have a best friend who I love dearly and we have stayed connected and talk all the time though she lives many states away also.
Originally we were going to just have 1 person stand up with us, his brother M and my sister. But I really really really want to include my best friend. I DO NOT want his sister up there with me at all.
We have not officaily asked anyone, we are going in circles with this. We can't have 2 with out the 3rd sibling, and we can't use the "just having 1 person stand with us" excuse that would more than likely work.
HELP please.