I have a weird situation...
My best friend has been a maid of honor in 4 weddings in the past 5 years. While we were roommates, I heard the horror stories about the coordination, time, money (you know, things you bitch about to your best friend!). Now that it's my turn to tie the knot, there is no one else I really would want to stand up for me as my maid of honor except I feel now like she may think of it as another burden or a part-time job!
I don't want her to feel slighted by NOT asking her, because she really is my first choice, but, as much as I want to believe my wedding planning will be awesome and easy, I don't feel good about asking her to take on the respobsilbility yet again.
My plan was to just not have a maid of honor and just 5 bridesmaids, but since my fiance is having a best man, I am afraid it will appear off.
Does anyone have advice? Will it seem funny to not have a maid of honor but 5 bridesmaids? Or should I just let her know how I feel and ask anyway!?
Yikes! Thanks!