Wedding Hair, Makeup, & Beauty Forums

How to avoid a bridezilla moment (hair related)

1. I know I havent posted here much (if at all) but I lurk..once in awhile
2. Im getting married (yay!) on May 4th of next year
3. (the actual point) I have a bridesmaid who is insistant on going to a specific place to get her hair done for the wedding. I would prefer us to all go to the same place so our hair is similar (not all the same but not completely different) I looked at pictures on the salons facebook page, and do not like anything about the updos shown. So I would prefer us to go to a different location, that I trust to do a great job. I dont want to come off as the bridezilla  through telling her that we will not be using her preffered salons basically, what do I do? do I tell her what I want and hope i dont come off rude, or just let it go and let her go where she wants while the rest of us go to the other place and hope for the best?
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Re: How to avoid a bridezilla moment (hair related)

  • Unless you're paying for her hair to be done, there isn't much you can do. You can tell her what time your appointment is for and tell her you hope she can join you, even if it's just to hang out while everyone else gets their hair done.

    You can't dictate where she goes or how she does her hair unless you're coughing up the money to get it done. If she asks your opinion, then tell her what updos you like/don't like, and you can make some suggestions on hairstyles, but you can't dictate any of it. If her hair looks stupid, she'll look stupid, not you :)

    Just hope for the best and have a mimosa
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  • Ditto PP. Unless you pay for it there is nothing you can do about it. I promise you BMs hair will not ruin your wedding or your photos.
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  • #2:  let her get her hair done where she wants and you go where you want.
  • Yes let her get her hair done where she wants. Its where she feels most comfortable at. I work at a salon and if I were in a wedding, I would choose my salon even if they didnt want it. Im sure it will turn out fine. Maybe have her schedule it earlier so she can meet up with the rest of you girls at your salon.
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