Wedding Hair, Makeup, & Beauty Forums

Help! I need my acne cleared by October wedding!

So - I never went through the terrible "acne" phase in my teens... nope. I was lucky enough to get it in my early 20s. Now, I'm nearly 27 and I still have acne and I'm pretty sure it's getting worse. I'm getting married in October this year and I sooo want this to be at least under control. I've tried Proactive, Mary Kay, OTC and others - just can't seem to find the miracle worker. It's not horrific acne - but I still would like to look as nice as I can for my day. Any suggestions?! I'd like to hear if anyone has been in the same boat and what they did to look amazing for their day. Thanks for any feedback!

Re: Help! I need my acne cleared by October wedding!

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    You have a few months, I'd go to a dermatologist.  Also, do you think it's hormonal at all?  Mine sure is--I'm your age--so going on BCP or switching might help.  
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    I would go to a dermatologist, they should be able to give you something to help. I wouldn't delay either, most treatments can take up to a month to get full results then you can make sure you have time to find something that works for you.
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    Most adult acne is hormonal.  If you can`t get to a dermatologist, google Vitamin A Supplements and their effect on acne.  I went through six months of accutane about 5 years ago (I`m now 46)  I still get some breakouts but I do find that Supplementing with Vitamin A daily really helps keep my skin clear.  Good luck!!!!  

    Stress makes it worse so try to relax at some point every day and change your pillowcases daily!
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