So I'm the maid of honor in my best friends wedding, who's marrying my cousin. Anyway, their wedding is June 1 and she is having bright colors for the bridesmaids dresses...2 are a bright green, 2 are a caribbean blue, 2 are a sherbet orange color and 2, including myself, are a hot pink..i can't remember if she said flowers will incorporate all of those colors or if she is going to keep them a more neutral color. Anyway, she recently asked me what I thought about the shoes--what color should we wear if we all have different bright colored dresses? I drew a blank. What should we wear? I am a visual person so trying to picture a hot pink dress and silver shoes wasn't clicking in my head, but I don't think a sherbet orange dress and black shoes would be very appealing either. If I could get your thoughts/comments/suggestions that would be fabulous and I thank you in advance!