Wedding Hair, Makeup, & Beauty Forums


So this is a pretty weird question, but I shave my armpits all the time and they tend to not get any razor burn at all...but obviously it does happen sometimes and I was wondering if there are any tricks out there to prevent razor burn or any kind of funky looking armpits. I know..random

Re: Armpits!

  • I use the dove deoderant that is supposed to make your armpits pretty.  It seems to work pretty well, no bumps or redness or whatever.  even underarms need to be moisturized, i guess.
  • I have that problem when I'm using a razor that's too old.  Try gently exfoliating your armpits with a washcloth, then shave with a new razor to get the closest shave with less irritation.  I use the Dove deoderant that MUN1 mentioned, and I think it does help some.
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  • I used to get razor burn BAD on my arm pits no matter what I use (I think I've tried everything!) 

    If you are able to, soak in a hot/warm bath before shaving- otherwise I just let hot water (as hot as I can stand it) run on my pits for a while and kinda scratch/rub my pits (sorry this sounds grosser than it really is lol) - the hot water opens up your pours and softens the hair according do a family friend who is a dermatologist.  Then I use the BikiniZone gel instead of shaving cream- then right after the shower- use the Dove deodorant.  On the day that I shave I do not use my normal body wash on my pits as I don't want to get the soap in any nics or open pours or whatever.....  and 99.9% of the time I'm good to go.  :)
    Good Luck! 

  • Thanks ladies!!! It all sounds like good ideas im going to try!
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