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Hair breaking

I'm trying to grow my hair out, but with it breaking all the time, it's getting so frusterating! Any suggestions?! Or, am I destined to have short hair?

"There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness." -Friedrich Nietzsche, "On Reading and Writing"

Re: Hair breaking

  • Same problem!  Mine's always been that way though, I straighten it daily because it's naturally wavy so that's hell on it.

    If this is something new though I would talk to your doctor to see if there's omething wrong or a vitamin you could go on to help. To start I'd get your hair cut to start fresh and rid yourself of the dead ends.  And then get regular cuts eveyry 6-8 weeks.  Mine isn't growing as fast as I'd like it to, but it never does and at least it's not breaking off all the time.

    I've had great luck using Dove Intense Repair Shampo and Conditioner and Pantene Extreme Lengths Hair Mask, tried Tresemee Anti Breakage and didn't like it as much as the Dove stuff, although previously Dove always dried out my scalp, this stuff is great!

    I also use Redkin Anti-Snap on my ends before brushing my hair and spray the rest with a detangler to prevent breakage.  And a heat serum before drying or straightening.
  • I've been taking a hair-skin-nail supplement for a few weeks now, and have noticed a difference in the strength of my hair.  The main ingredient is Biotin, and I know they make straight biotin pills.  But I would also talk to a doctor to find out what is behind it.
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  • edited July 2012
    In Response to <a href="">Hair breaking</a>:
    [QUOTE]I'm trying to grow my hair out, but with it breaking all the time, it's getting so frusterating! Any suggestions?! Or, am I destined to have short hair?
    Posted by msuprincess04[/QUOTE]

    Do you use a flat iron/curling iron/hairdryer/etc.?

    My vote is get it cut and use heated styling tools as little as possible. If you must use them, use a really good heat defense spray beforehand. If your hair is still breaking after that, see a dermatologist.
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  • I have long hair, but I know I am lucky to have straight hair. I've been growing mine out for about two years now and I reccomend switching shampoo/ conditioner every once in a while. I switch basically everytime I finish a bottle. It seems to help keep my hair shiny as it gets used to whatever products I had been using before.

    Also I almost never use a hair dryer or heat tools. I know my hair doesn't always look great, but I can play around with bobbypins enough to give the look of height/ get it out of my face as needed. Also the sun and dying it damaging for your hair as well. There have been numerous times were I think my hair just looks so boring but then I remember that my wedding is quickly coming up and I am avoiding the cost and time of extensions. After the wedding I'll be chopping it off again into a nice style. :)
    Good luck!
  • I have that problem with my nails.  It goes away when I take fish oil suppliments.  Make sure to take an Omega 3-6-9.   It really works wonders for your hair, nails and skin.  Make sure you ge a really good quality suppliment, a lot of times there is filler, like vegetable oil. 
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