Wedding Hair, Makeup, & Beauty Forums

PSA: Nail Strenghtning Treatment

Hello Fellow knotties!
I just wanted to pass on the great luck I've been having with a nail strengthing cream called "Hard as Hoof". I read about it about a year ago but made it part of my daily routine for the past two weeks with my wedding only 4 months away. I love it, my nails aren't chipping anymore and I actually had to file them down last week because they were getting too long. You can find it in the beauty/ nail aisles at Walmart, Target, Walgreens, etc. I think it's around $4- $5.00.

I keep the product in the cupholder in my car so it reminds me to rub it into my nails and cuticles every day on my commute to work. (It's a little greasy, so I put it on when I don't have anything to do right away). Just thought I would pass along this bargin product! I always figured I would have to get acrylics for the wedding, but if these keeps up I don't think there will be a need! 

Happy Friday!

Re: PSA: Nail Strenghtning Treatment

  • Thanks for the post! I havea  while until the wedding, but I have had some major breaking and peeling off from my nails lately. Hope this will help and actually let them start growing! :)

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  • Thank you for this! My nails look nice when they grow out, but I work as a zookeeper and between all the physical labor, hosing stuff out, and chemicals I go through my nails have taken a serious beating. I am definitely going to try this out and hope a month is enough time for them to improve!
  • @Arinias - Hi there! If you make it part of your daily routine I really think you will see some great changes. I have to keep filing mine down because they are getting so long. That's even with how rough I've been on my hands lately with all my DIY projects and painting and sanding I've been taking on.
     If you don't have the long commute that I have to apply it daily, maybe keep it on your nightstand so you look at it before going to bed everynight? Then it will have time to soak in for a while without you washing your hands soon after.

    Good luck!

    Have any of the other Previous Posters seen any results?
  • I got mine today. I'll give it a shot and let you know how I do in a few weeks Cool
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