Wedding Hair, Makeup, & Beauty Forums

Back fat help needed, please!

Hi guys!

When I first found my wedding dress, I had just had the stomach flu for a week and had lost 5-10 pounds. I wanted to wait to look for it, but time was just getting too short. I warned them when I tried it on I had lost weight, but they said it would be fine. They wound up ordering my dress a size smaller than what they had in the store because they said the one I was wearing was too big in the stomach area, and they'd put in an expander in the corset top.

Fast forward to now. At my last fitting, I tried the dress on (back at my normal weight). It was tight, but not too tight. Then, though, the alterations manager (who is a friend of mine) told me how to make back fat go away (pushing the skin forward from the back towards the chest). I was shocked when I saw it appeared I had a muffin top. It wasn't like this when I first got the dress (see the picture), and I've never had this problem before.

My wedding is in 30 days, and I don't have access to a gym. I've been doing some simple cardio and watching what I eat. Do you have any suggestions as to how to take care of this problem? Thanks!

Re: Back fat help needed, please!

  • I've been doing a resistance band workout to tone my shoulders and upper arms, but I doubt you'd be able to notice a difference in 30 days. Maybe it's worth a shot, though?

    Can the corset be loosened just enough to make the muffin top look go away? Or will it fall off you at that point?
  • Get some spanx. They work miracles.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • you look nice to me i dont see a muffin top
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Thanks, guys. That picture was from the first time I got my dress. I had my second fitting Friday, and here are some pictures. What are your thoughts? I actually think it may be my bra that's causing it, so when I get the dress back, I'm going to try it with either cups or no bra at all to see if that makes a difference.

  • i just had something similar happen to me, though I think you look great! My dress needed just a little tweaking. I went to try it on again today after the alterations were made... back fat now spilling over big time! I dont even know where it all came from... never had that before!! They took it in too much. So now I need to go back and figure out how this can be fixed. Until then, i have that horrible image seared into my brain and a pit in my stomach. My wedding is 30 days away, too!
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