My father is Jewish and my mother is Catholic, but since my mother was an orphan we grew up with almost completely Jewish customs and traditions (but not religion). I have always planned on doing the breaking of the glass, and my fiance and I were going to each break our own simultaneously. The problem is, almost no one in the audience is actually Jewish. My father's few relatives were not able to make it for various reasons. It is really important to me to do it, but my older sister did it at her wedding 10 years ago (with all of our Jewish relatives in attendance) and no one yelled Mazel Tov or seemed to even know what was going on. I am hoping that our officiant (not Jewish) could explain the breaking of the glass beforehand and tell people that it is customary to yell Mazel Tov, but I have no idea how to word this. Any suggestions?
P.S. - First post so be nice. :-) I have been too afraid to post anything for the first 11 months of my engagement due to some not so respectfully worded responses. Thanks!