Fi and I have widdled down the reception traditions we are choosing to incororate, we are leaving out the bouquet/garter toss and are simply keeping the father/daughter - mother/son dance. My dad requested to dance a waltz with me (I was trained in ballroom, my whole family took lessons and the waltz is the only dance my dad actually likes) Of course I whole heartedly agreed, he also asked if it would be okay to dance to the song "Edelweiss (sp?)" He said he has been listening to the song in his car and he just thinks its a really beautiful song and he would like us to dance to that, aside from it just being a beautiful waltz their is no actual sentimental meaning. I'm fine with this, I didn't have any paarticular song in mind anyway so if anything it made my job easier....
Since my dad chose our father/daughter dance song and FI had to be cornered while taking a bath to even choose our first dance song, I asked FMIL if she would choose the mother/son song. She has narrowed it down to a few choices one I'm not really thrilled about.... she is heavily leaning towards "The Prayer" by Andrea Bocelli. I dont like this choice for one reason, my maternal grandmother passed away years ago and it's a loss that has severely rocked my whole family, my grandmother was a huge part of my life and not having her at my wedding is already difficult enough. My grandmother passed soon before my sweet 16 and I used this song as her candle...I know I'm making myself feel old right now. Everytime I hear this song I immediatley relate it to my grandmother and to hear it in any other context seems just weird and kind of wrong.
Two questions: is it okay to ask FMIL not to choose this song and secondly should my FI really be choosing the mother/son song or is it okay for his mom to choose?