Okay.. so I have a seriously messed up family.. My parents got divorced when i was little and then of my parents remarried - which brings in my step-parents... Neither couple gets along with the other! My mom and dad can hardly be in the same room together! When I was little, my father taught me to believe that my step dad was a jerk and only wanted to take his place, and being little I believed him, but now I'm old enough to make my own decisions... and have found that it was quite the opposite. My bio father wants to walk me down the aisle, sit at an honorary table, and do the father daughter dance, but doesn't want to pay for anything-claiming that he paid enough child support which he says "should have covered ALL of my college and my wedding if my mom distributed it right".... my stepdad and FIL are paying for our wedding. My bio dad doesn't even support me getting married! He is emotionally abusive and when we have issues, he makes sure the entire world knows that it a) wasn't his fault and b) I'm the most unappreciative daughter in the world and don't love anyone.
I really don't want to invite my father or stepmother to the wedding, but if I don't, my younger brother and sister won't be able to come, and it's already bad enough that they can't be IN the wedding. I really want them to be there, but there is no one else who can bring them....I don't want to completely ruin my relationship with my siblings, but I really don't want my father at the wedding because he will expect to do all the things that fathers do, and that's not goning to happen, which will tick him off...HELP PLEASE!!!!!!! Do I invite him so the kids can come, or do I not invite him and try to explain it once my siblings are old enough to understand...?
I'm not bending on the fact that he will not be an honorary guest... that is something that is given out of respect and respect is earned, not given because you have a title...