Wedding Customs & Traditions Forum

Alternative to the Traditoinal Garter toss...

As much as I love my future husband, I'm a little shy about public affection beyond a kiss. I really don't want him reaching up my skirt in front of God and everyone for a garter and then tossing, what used to be super close to my closest parts to all the single guys! Especially after reading the origins of all of the wedding traditions.

He understands and has said we don't have to do the garter toss but he still wants to toss something for the guys. I understand, I really do. We are trying to figure sometihng out. We are going to throw a boquet for all the single ladies, but what about all the single guys?

If the boquet is the bride's? Why did she have to give up something else for the men?  And then something else for her man?


Anyhow...we thought about him throwing his boutinere but thought it might be too small. He joked about throwing cake, but knowing some of his single friends, that would start a food fight.

A pocket napkin would probaly be too light.

Please, does anyone have any ideas?
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Re: Alternative to the Traditoinal Garter toss...

  • Skip it?  I'm sure your single guy friends will really be okay with not having to catch something.
  • If I skipped the boquet toss, would that be missed to terribly as well?
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  • Either skip it or have a separate garter that is set aside particularly for the toss.. that way he still gets to do it, but he won't be crawling  up your skirt to get it
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  • That is a good idea n3rdl3t, I didn't think of that. Thank you!
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  • I've heard of people taking an extra garter that they didn't wear, wrapping it around a football, and having the groon toss that.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Alternative to the Traditoinal Garter toss...</a>:
    [QUOTE]If I skipped the boquet toss, would that be missed to terribly as well?
    Posted by aluaevolver[/QUOTE]


    I've only seen bouquet tosses at a handful of weddings recently and I've only ever seen a garter toss once.  A lot of people choose to not do it.  We didn't do either.
  • We skipped the bouquet and garter tosses at our wedding.  Instead we did an anniversary dance where I presented my tosser bouquet to the longest married couple present.  It was really nice, my dad's cousin who "won" was very touched to receive the bouquet. . .
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Alternative to the Traditoinal Garter toss...</a>:
    [QUOTE]We skipped the bouquet and garter tosses at our wedding.  Instead we did an anniversary dance where I presented my tosser bouquet to the longest married couple present.  It was really nice, my dad's cousin who "won" was very touched to receive the bouquet. . .
    Posted by OliveOilsMom[/QUOTE]
    I like this idea so much better!

    I would rather single out the longest thriving couple than all the singles....especially since my sister in law said my mom decided to go up for the bridal boquet at my brother's wedding. My parents are divorced and my mom's single. I was thinking about nixing the boquet toss as well as the garter toss. Now, if only I could convince my FH to go along with this idea, and not do the garter toss either. Maybe he can present something (not a garter) to the guy in the winning couple. A nice pocket watch or something?
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  • We're still debating what exactly FI will toss (I have issues with a piece of underwear, even one that's never been worn, being thrown across the room at what is otherwise a nice event). Right now we're debating tie or, since he'll be in a kilt, the fly plaid that goes over his shoulder.
  • BmissyBmissy member
    First Comment
    I thought about getting a new garter and having my FI wear it on his arm at the reception (don't want him wearing it during the mass) and then he can take it off his arm and toss it. Or if you don't the idea of having him wear it on his  arm he can just get a new garter and toss it when the time comes. But you can skip that all together if you don't want to do it. You should ask your family members to see how they feel about skipping it if you haven't already done so.
  • aragx6aragx6 member
    2500 Comments 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    We're not doing either. I highly doubt anyone will miss it.
  • I would feel so weird about a garter toss too... i don't need 200+ people seeing my fiance go up my dress! Save it for the bedroom lol :x

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  • In Response to Re:Alternative to the Traditoinal Garter toss...:[QUOTE]Either skip it or have a separate garter that is set aside particularly for the toss.. that way he still gets to do it, but he won't be crawling nbsp;up your skirt to get it Posted by n3rdl3t[/QUOTE]

    I love this idea! Most brides have a toss away boquet. I'll have a separate gerter on this table! Thanks n3rdl3t!
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • In Response to Re:Alternative to the Traditoinal Garter toss...:[QUOTE]Either skip it or have a separate garter that is set aside particularly for the toss.. that way he still gets to do it, but he won't be crawling nbsp;up your skirt to get it Posted by n3rdl3t[/QUOTE]

    I love this idea! Most brides have a toss away boquet. I'll have a separate gerter on this table! Thanks n3rdl3t!
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • kipnuskipnus member
    Knottie Warrior 1000 Comments 25 Love Its Name Dropper
    We're doing the bouquet toss, but not the garter. I do think the garter-on-a-football idea is cute, though, if your FI really wants something to toss.
  • My daughter did the anniversary dance idea at her wedding too, but she had a second garter that she gave to the husband and the wife got the toss bouquet.  The couple who won seemed to enjoy it and they got a chance to give their advice for a long marriage..  Almost everyone at her wedding was married, so she didn't think there would be many people to participate in a toss.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re:Alternative to the Traditoinal Garter toss...</a>:
    [QUOTE]I've heard of people taking an extra garter that they didn't wear, wrapping it around a football, and having the groon toss that.
    Posted by calliopeia2013[/QUOTE]

    <div>I have heard of this too. It is exactly what I was going to suggest.</div>
  • We are not tossing either the bouquet or garter...not enough single friends!  I don't think anyone will miss it if you choose not to toss the garter.
  • In my region of the country some people actually auction off the garter and make a little extra money for the couple.
  • I'm not super keen on my honey digging under my dress for something to fling at his buddies either ;)  I think the football idea is cute :)  I'm not really wanting to put what few single ladies attending front and center either (in fact my only single BM said she would conveniently not be around for a bouquet toss), I'm thinking of doing the anniversary dance, and giving a smaller bouquet to the 'winners', who if my math is right, would be my parents ;) 
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