Wedding Customs & Traditions Forum

How often is there a BESTGIRL?


Re: How often is there a BESTGIRL?

  • I actually recently mentioned to my SO about his having a female friend as his 'best person' when we get married. He'd previously mentioned how one of his female friends was his closest friend - besides me, of course. I think it's only fair he have his best friend stand by his side - who cares about gender.
  • I have been married twice, both times I had a best man.  It's not that unusual.  If your FI's best friend is a woman, then it seems to follow she would serve as his honor attendant or "best woman."  I have been at more than one wedding where that's been the case .. one was the groom's sister, the other was the groom's best friend.  It's really not a big deal.
  • We're having a "man of honor" and my FI's sister is going to be his "best lady".  I think it's more important to have people who are close to you and mean a lot to you by your side, rather than follow some silly tradition.

    May 2013 February Siggy: Invitations


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  • I love the idea that we can finally have whomever we want as attendants. I guess I just wonder why there still seems to be the need to have "sides." Why not a "wedding party" of the special people in our lives. And "honor attendants" can stand with the groom and bride as they are the official "witnesses." I was at a wedding recently in which the altar was so small that only the honor attendants were allowed to be up close with the bride and groom on the altar. The male and female attendants were in the first row of the church. I'd love to see a ceremony that included all the important people in a circle around the bride and groom. So much more meaningful.
  • He should be able to choose who he wants on his side. I don't think it's fair of you to not allow his best friend to be an attendant because of her being female and outdated "tradition".
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