Wedding Customs & Traditions Forum

Klingon (cling-on) guests

What do you do about cling-on guests?  You know, the ones you didn't really plan on inviting, but they heard you were getting married and started pestering you for details like the date and place, and before you know it they assume they're going to be invited?  How do you politely tell them they're not invited, especially if you two have mutual friends that are going to be there?  I've got one possibly. Her daughter and son-in-law are my co-workers and she hosted an event for our organization at her house.  How can I tell her that just my co-workers are invited and not her when she keeps asking about my wedding?

..... must find a way to speak Klingon.... 
Enterprise out.

Re: Klingon (cling-on) guests

  • Bahaha. Loving the Star Trek reference. 

    Just don't talk wedding with them. If they bring it up, mention that it's a small wedding/intimate/close family and close friends only. You can also blame it on space. They are rude to assume they are invited, but it would be rude of you to talk about it as though they are, so just try to avoid that or change the subject. 
    April Siggy Challenge-Wedding Escape: Reading HG/dreaming about Peeta.... Image and video hosting by TinyPic Wedding Countdown Ticker Bio-Updated 4/22**
  • "Unfortunately we aren't going to be able to invite everyone we'd like to - did you see the Big Bang Theory this week?  It was so funny!"

    Try to avoid blaming budget, space etc - some people will try to solve your problem for you (oh sure you can seat 12 people at a 60" round!  I'll pay for my own plate!)
  • Like PP said, just don't talk wedding around them. I wouldn't bring up the fact that they're invited. Just let the time come for invites to go out & proceed as planned. If they're rude enough to approach you to find out why they weren't invited, say what ceh789 said. They don't deserve any other explanation or justification. 
  • I had somebody ask me the week after I got back to Uni after making our engagement official whom I hadn't spoken too in a year, and plenty of people since, so I'm kind of an expert at this! haha

    First thing to do (as PPs said) is not talk wedding to people you are not going to be inviting. If they ask or invite themselves(had this happen to me!) the best thing to do is just say that you aren't going to be able to invite everybody and then try to switch topics to the lastest holodeck program. If they bug you beyond that, come up with a plausible white lie about it (space etc etc).

    If they get really pushy, Vulcan pinch them or have scotty beam you out! hehe :)

    Live long and prosper :)
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