Wedding Customs & Traditions Forum

advise please for name changing

ok so my Fiance is very traditional and grew up with the belief that every woman who got married took their husbands name.  He understands that times have changed and that some women dont take the husbands name but he just always assumed that his wife would take his name.

I was adopted and took my adoptive parents name as a teenager and i have really identified with that name because its a name i am proud to have and its a part of my identity.

now i have a double name for a first name like mary beth for example and i dont have a middle name. my fiance doesnt like the hyphening of a name because he thinks its weird and that he feels his name isnt good enough to stand alone. we thought of maybe doing my maiden name as a middle name and then using his last name for the last name but i just feel that im pushing aside my name and my identity because not too many people  notice middle names or care about them.

i want to make my fiance happy but i also want to not regret the decision of a name change or lose my identity.

i would love some advise!!! thanks!
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