Wedding Customs & Traditions Forum

Have Communion as an option for all guests?

My Fiance came from a fairly rigorious religious upbringing.  She went to a religiously affliated university.  However, after university she stopped going to church except for holidays and otherwise religion played little or no role in her life.  For me, I grew up until middle school in at best a moderately religious (diferent religion) background. Beginning in middle school, I rarely went to church.  By HS, I did not go at all practically.  Since then it has been sporadic at best.  Religion plays almost no role in my life.  I am open to religion in the future but at the moment its a moot point for me.

Now for the wedding, my suddenly very lax religious fiance now wants communion for everyone.  I protested and she relented saying it would only be an "option" and that people could refuse.  She was very excited that potentially all of our bridal party could take communion from the same cup.

I am very hesitant and border line against it.  Her family is almost entirely Episcopalian with small amounts of Catholics.  My family is a motley crew: Presbyterian, Catholic, Athiest/Agnostic, and some other.  Additionally, my four Groomsmen are Jewish/Agnostic, Athiest/Agnostic, lapse Catholic, and lapse Presbyterian.

I personally feel very uncomfortable myself and rather not subject my family nor my groomsmen to it.  I feel that it could get the rest of the ceremony to a bad start.  She is steadfest saying, "Its our day, what does it matter what others think?"  I agree but within some sort of boundaries.  She counters that they are already in a church so why not make everyone be asked if they want communion?  I guess my rationale is yes we are in a place of worship and that is a given but requiring communion for everyone, is that really necessary?

Any thoughts are appreciated.  Thanks!
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