Okay, I am from southern Louisiana and we have some very different traditions. But, this one has definititely thrown me for a loop. My future mother in law insists that his godmother be honored during the reception by cutting the cake. Yes, she knows that we cut the cake but she wants his godmother to cut it after us.
So heres where I think this is a problem. First, I have never met his godmother and we have been together for three years. She has maybe called in once in those three years. She has, also, really never been a big part of his life. I also don't think anybody besides the bride and groom should be cutting the cake (as part of tradition.) I understand that the caterer is going to be cutting the cake but the nanny?
Can somebody please help me out here?! Am I being a little over the top about this or is this really something that needs to be done at the reception?