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Bachelorette Party Idea: What do you think, ladies?

Let's face it - guys thrusting on stage in a thong is nothing like girls stripping on stage. A group of bachelors will likely have a really fun, tempting, arousing night at a traditional strip club, whereas a group of bachelorettes at a male strip club -- it's more embarassing and silly than anything else.

So what would a much closer equivalent be?

My Idea: A club fully stocked with hand picked young, attractive males hired specifically to schmooze, dance and drink with every lady who comes through the door. A club atmosphere minus the creepy factor. A place the average female can get dressed up and go to and feel those same bachelor party feelings of fun, temptation and arousal - which for women come through proximity, conversation, attention, etc. as opposed to pure nudity.


Re: Bachelorette Party Idea: What do you think, ladies?

  • Um, so *ssshhhh* in college, I used to work as a go-go dancer with a friend of mine. To us, it was a chance to go clubbing and dance without dudes all up on us (platform and all), and to get PAID for it. I mean, what?!!!! We absolutely hated dealing with smarmy club men. When we did go to clubs socially with friends, we made girl circles to keep the guys out, because we didn't want to be freaked on.
    I love FI, but when I dance, I don't want a man touching me. They mess me up. Plus, usually, they suck and are just humping.
  • Um no. Super creepy. I don't want some random guy getting close and giving me "attention". I get that from fi. I would never ever go anywhere like that.
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  • And how do you think you're going to get this "ideal" situation to happen? 

    I like runpipparun's comment, usually I'd prefer to dance without guys, with my female friends.

    If you haven't been to one before, I'd suggest going to a gay club, totally take sex out of the equation and just have fun.  At least, that's what the one in my town is like ... AWESOME.  First time I went there, it was amazing.
  • Thanks for the feedback.

    I haven't been to a male review, it's true. The ladies and I went out for a Girls Night to see Magic Mike and from there sprang the idea.

    The movie portrayed both a pretty well done male review, but again with bride-to-be's pulled on stage and laughed at as the guys put her in awkward sexual positions. Nothing arousing.

    So the question is: What really WOULD be the female equivalent then be? What would a place a group of bachelorettes could go and be GENUINELY aroused, have fun, etc. look like?
  • Are you trying to open this type of business yourself? That's how your OP sounds, like you are bouncing off of us ideas for a place you personally want to open.

    As far as the female equivalent of a strip club that isn't a strip club? One of my friends had her bachelorette party at a Chippendale's show and really enjoyed it. She did go on stage and sat down while one of the guys gave her a lap dance, but she thought it was fun/funny and the guys were hot.

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  • yaykarinyaykarin member
    First Comment
    edited July 2012
    Exactly. I absolutely am bouncing ideas, trying to get some perspective and feedback on an idea like this.

    My thought is if there is enough of a market for male strip clubs to exist - which just doesn't sound like someplace I would go - there must be a market for an improvement of male strip clubs to exist. I'm trying to come up with a place I actually WOULD go.

    Personally, no matter how professional, how talented, etc. the male strippers are, the bottom line is I just don't find the male form attractive enough to just LOOK at and be aroused.

    When I think of the level of atrraction men feel in traditional strip clubs and trying to achieve that exact same feeling for women - this is what comes to mind for me. Dancing closely with a really attractive man, flirting with a really atrractive man, laughing with a really attractive man. But a run of the mill dance club doesn't do it for me because
    a) They're so competitive, hard to enjoy myself when all the cutest/sluttiest looking girls get all the attention
    b) Most of the guys aren't that attractive
    c)I just want a good time and not feel pressure to give my number, hook up, etc.
  • Nothing about going to a club where men are paid to stalk you sounds appealing.

    If women are interested in the 'feel' of a strip club for a bachelorette party, then that's where they'll go.  However, most bachelorette parties I've been to at regular clubs/bars get exactly the type of attention you mention without the specific marketing you are thinking of. 
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Bachelorette Party Idea: What do you think, ladies?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Personally, no matter how professional, how talented, etc. the male strippers are, the bottom line is I just don't find the male form attractive enough to just LOOK at and be aroused.
    Posted by yaykarin[/QUOTE]

    <div>Maybe you're not looking at the right parts? I get aroused looking at hot guys. But it's usually about the face/shoulders/abs/butt/legs because seriously, penises are not pretty.</div><div>
    </div><div>Or maybe you're simply not very visual in your sexuality. Which is fine, but you shouldn't assume that everyone of the same gender as you will be the same way. Everyone reacts to different stimuli. I'm also very big on accents/sexy voices. They make me swoon. Which is why I'd love to go to Thunder Down Under if I ever get to Vegas some day. And that's the only male strip show I'd be interested in, TBH. At least until they make one with guys in kilts.</div>
  • Like I said on your post on another board, I have a FI who does all that stuff for me (and way more) because he loves me. Not because some club is paying him to pretend to do it.  Why would I want to go there when I have all I need at home already?
  • Maybe you should look at the host and hostess club industry in Japan and take some ideas from them.  I think they're creepy and sad, but there could be a market for them here.

    Also, this article may interest you.  It contrasts how women behaved while watching Magic Mike in theaters and how women typically behave in strip clubs.
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  • I'm thinking more like a male version of Hooters, you know?

    Maybe even have food and have it served by really attractive, hand picked guys who have the know-how to be conversational and fun but of course not pushy or anything like that. I seriously doubt men have ever gone to Hooters and felt "acosted" haha

    So hot guys walking around serving food, serving drinks, maybe some male runway fashion or dance performances (sans fake bake nudity) and guys around who can dance and schmooze with those women who want to, but of course, steering clear of those who don't.

    I think with some training and clear keen marketing it could work.

    My thought is: If traditional strip clubs exist plentifully, why don't male strip clubs exist equally plentifully? Probably because they just don't do it for women. So what would? There's got to be something... 
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Bachelorette Party Idea: What do you think, ladies?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Maybe you should look at the host and hostess club industry in Japan and take some ideas from them. [/QUOTE]

    Thanks! Will do! I've never heard of them before... interesting...
  • kaos16kaos16 member
    Knottie Warrior 500 Love Its 1000 Comments First Answer
    Maybe my perception of a great Bachelorette party is different from that of OP.  I hope that mine is about having fun with my girlfriends, hanging out, having some drinks. . . . just having a fun night out.  I don't think that a Bachelorette requires everyone to be aroused all night, which seems to be the type of party OP is envisioning.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re:Bachelorette Party Idea: What do you think, ladies?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re:Bachelorette Party Idea: What do you think, ladies?: Probably because there is a population of guys who go to strip club regularly, and sans buddies. Women tend to only go in groups and on special occasions, making the female equivalent much less profitable. Even if you hit on the perfect female version of the strip club, I just don't think uou're going to get the booming business that a male strip club gets. Men and women are just different that way, and there aren't enough Bparties in any given location in a year to make it worth the overhead.
    Posted by StageManager14[/QUOTE]

    <div>But with Hooters, it's the <em>wings </em>that everybody goes for, right? OP really just needs to hit on the perfect female munchie food for her cocktail servers in European man-thongs... Har har, c*ck-tail.</div>
  • I don't know if I think a soon-to-be married person really has any business seeking out a 'tempting, arousing night'.  If my guys friends plan a strip-club party, then I'll be fine with that, but honestly if my FI said "I want to go to a strip club" I would be pretty annoyed.  Plus, going somewhere were attractive men are paid to flirt with me sounds really insulting and gross. 

    Sure, things like that aimed at men exist (hooters, etc.), but I think most women consider men who go to strip clubs/hooters to be flirted with/feel attractive are pathetic and gross.  Women doing the same thing isn't really the kind of equality we've been hoping for...
  • They actually opened a 'male Hooters' near my hometown. My aunt and her cousins were PO'd because they'd had the idea for one previously. They would have called it 'Stallions' and dressed the boys in cowboy hats and chaps. Sadly, the idea-stealers were much less clever and much more crass. The place was called Tallywhackers. I kid you not.

    Oh, and it closed within a few years of opening. Clearly a brilliant business model, eh?
  • RamonaFlowersRamonaFlowers member
    Eighth Anniversary 500 Love Its 1000 Comments Name Dropper
    edited July 2012
    The idea of going to a party where a guy is being PAID to creep on me skeeves me out. And yes, most run-of-the-mill flirting techniques do skeeve me out ... knowing a guy was making a paycheck off of it would just annoy the living sh!t out of me.

    A fun bachelorette party to me is a girls night with gossip/booze/junk food and some kind of regular "fun" like bowling, some kind of spa trip, or just hanging out watching movies.

    As for the whole "female equivalent" of a strip club, why does there need to be an equivalent? Some women like male reviews, some don't. Just like some men like strip clubs and others (Yes, it's true) don't. Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean nobody else does. Like I previously indicated, it's not my cup of tea ... but I also think being hit on by somebody that's being paid to do it is disgusting.

    *I felt sorry for my husband before I met him. Take a number.*

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