Hi there,
I just joined the site, so apologies if this is a repost of a question that's already been asked!
I just got engaged last weekend, and as we're aiming for a budget wedding next summer, we're trying to get the ball rolling pretty quickly. I've been considering potential bridesmaids, and I have five in mind - my sister (too young to be MOH), three of my closest girlfriends from high school, and a friend that I've become very close to in the last seven months.
Here's the thing - I love my girlfriends from high school, but it would be agony to choose one of them for MOH over the others, and all three of them are living halfway across the country and don't have much in the way of financial resources. While I feel like they know us a little better, having witnessed the entirety of my fiance's and my relationship, they would have a really hard time helping with the planning/preparation side of things.
My new friend is an amazing person, and I definitely think this friendship is something that will continue for a long time, if not forever. She doesn't know us as well, due to our short friendship, but I know that she loves both of us very much. Additionally, we live in the same town, and this is the town where the wedding will be held. She's a very practical, responsible person and financially she's doing just fine, so I'm not concerned about her ability to help with transportation, planning, etc. Even if she isn't MOH, I know she will be a lot of support and help - and ultimatley I feel like she deserves the title, if she's going to be helping so much!
Do other people have thoughts about this issue? I'm just so torn - there's good reasons for choosing any of these four ladies! What was the thing that mattered most to you when choosing a MOH?