Wedding Customs & Traditions Forum

Jewish breaking of the glass

We recently discoverd that FI has Jewish heritage, and want to break a glass at the end of the ceremony. Does anyone have any modern text that can go along with that, explaining the significance and its well wishes? Thanks!
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Re: Jewish breaking of the glass

  • There are multiple things it can symbolize, you can mention one or all of them.  It is about the breaking of the temple, it is to remind you both how fragile love is, and it is to commemorate that this is something that can never be undone.  Ask your officiate to write it how he or she wants.  I hope that helped. 

  • tldhtldh member
    You might want to post this question on the Jewish Cultural Weddings Board.
    AKA GoodLuckBear14
  • You can also get a Mezuzah to put the broken glass in, for your  home, which I love!
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