Wedding Customs & Traditions Forum

present for MOB and MOG???

hey is it customary to get the MOB or MOG a present at the rehersal dinner? do we get them anything prior to the wedding.?


Re: present for MOB and MOG???

  • I'm giving them their gifts at the rehearsal dinner... on the wedding day it will be too chaotic!
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  • same as pp. Everything will be given the night before at dinner.
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  • We got married 3.5 months ago and we still haven't given our moms their gifts.  They're getting professional wedding albums and haven't arrived yet.
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  • We didn't do sd pecific MOB MOG FOG FOB gifts. We did silver frames with a wedding photo from our photographer and a long heartfelt thank you about a month after. The wedding day we also sent a huge flower bouguet and wine to MIL because she hosted people between the ceremony and reception. To answer your question, I don't think you need to do it at RD.
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  • I don't think there's a rule that this is a requirement.  Ditto that it would be way too chaotic to do it at the wedding.  At our rehearsal dinner we gave embroidered hankies to the mothers in case they started crying during the ceremony the next day, haha.  I do like the idea of the keepsake album and heartfelt note.  If you want to go with the album idea and definitely need something to present to them at the rehearsal dinner, maybe you could include an IOU to fill the album with wedding pictures once they're available.
    Whoever said it was supposed to be happily ever after is a big fat liar.
  • I will be giving all gifts at the rehearsal dinner.  I am giving my parents a frame that has two spaces and it has special sayings on them.  One will be a baby picture of my mom and I or my dad and I and then the other space will be empty for a picture of us from the wedding.  I just don't even want to have to worry about trying to tote gifts around and remember to take them on the wedding day.  Right now I am lucky to remember anything!
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