My mother and father separated when I was 5 years old. While I saw my father who lived across the country once or twice a year, he was never really there for me growing up. My mother's father has been the main male figure in my life and actually took full custody of me when I was 12 years old. It would mean so much to me to have my grandfather by my side the day of our wedding.
My dilemma is that my father has tried to be a bigger part of my life in recent years and although he still lives across the country, calls me at least once a week to check in. When I talked to my FI about this dilemma he insists that my father has to know that my grandfather will be the one to walk me down the aisle.
Our wedding is about 13 months away and I would prefer to make this be known sooner rather than later. How do I break the news to my father?