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Is there a fun or unique way you asked your MOH and BM's?

Curious to know if anyone asked their BM's in a special or unique way?  I plan on giving my girls a card and/or a little gift but I wanted to know what you girls all did.  Some of us have known the women who will be standing next to us for ages and I know theres some creative minds out there.
Please share! :)
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Re: Is there a fun or unique way you asked your MOH and BM's?

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    Don't do anything other than ask them individually and privately - you have to give them the opportunity to say no and they can't do this if they feel any pressure from others to say yes.  Also, ask them to come up with a number for you for what they are willing to spend on a dress.  The one who comes back with the lowest number sets the budget for the BM dress.
    AKA GoodLuckBear14
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    I do plan on asking them individually already. Asking in a group is just plain wrong, for the exact reason you mentioned. :)
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    For a wedding I was in I received a dress shaped cookie that said will you be my bridesmaid. I thought it was a cute idea. I haven't decided how to ask my girls yet but I have a lot of time to decide.
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    I gave my MOH a cupcake themed bath set and wrote on the card "Will you be a sweetie and be my MOH?" It was dorky, but she loved cupcakes.
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    I wrote each of them a heartfelt, handwritten card thanking them for their friendship/asking them, and then mailed the cards. 
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    Thanks everyone!
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    I sent this someecard, it worked for my personality.  In the email I said will you be my BM.  I live in England so I didn't see them for awhile.
    FWTW they actually picked their own dresses.  

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    I got engaged in June of this year.. I still havent asked anyone to be a bridesmaid, but I plan on it really soon.. I went to a local pottery painting store and painted a christmas ornament for each girl I wanted to ask.. On one side of the ornament it says "Will you be my..." and on the opposite side said "Bridesmaid?" I've been trying to find a unique way to ask my girls, and since its Christmas time I thought this was perfect.. <3

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    i LOVE the christmas ornaments!! I actually thought of this but there aren't any local places around me that do this.   Very cute! :)
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    I wrapped up a framed photo with a picture of the bridesmaid-to-be and myself and a card saying thanks for being a good friend, then at the bottom of the photo it said "Bridesmaid." THey opened the gift and said "Yes!" It was fun and went over very well. :)
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    i got down on one knee and proposed with these:

    actually ive only done it for 2 of them so far, and the other two i will do in a couple of days when i see them over christmas. but the 2 i did so far loved it!
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    I am going to ask  via handmade cards, including a handwritten note tucked into each one:
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    When it was time to ask my bridesmaid I was living out of state for work for three months ( a state where none of my bridesmaids lived) so I did not get the oppourtunity to ask them invdividually face to face. But, I am super close with everyone and we had been talking about my engagement/wedding for months and months before, so I don't think it was a suprise to anyone that they would be asked. I wanted to do sometihng cute though. So, I sent them these personalized cookies that came in this really cute box. The cookies had a dress on them, and a letter/poem (with their name and my fiance and my name) and the end of the poem asked them to be a bridesmaid.  I also bought blank cards and wrote each of them a note explainig why they were so special to and why I wanted them to be a part of my special day.

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    I put a ring pop in a box and wrote a little poem on the lid.... The poem said: This comes with sweet intentions, It's question to be read Will you be my bridesmaid When Aaron and I wed? They all loved it... It was cute and cheap. I got the little boxes from the dollar store along with the ring pops...
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