Wedding Party

wedding over....just need to vent

Alright, so I am trying to be positive and now that the wedding is over I feel ok venting about it. We had six severed his tendon and had to have hand surgery....but did get out of his cast in time for the wedding, one smashed his dirt bike into a tree at the bachelor party and had to get 23 stitchs..he was out of his sling in time for the wedding, one groomsmen was admitted to a mental hospital and court ordered to take his medications..he got out 2 days before the wedding, one was arrested but got out on $25,000 bond 4 days before the wedding, one was my brother (poor bloke..he made it threw unafflicted) and one decided after the wedding on our way to the after party that it would be a great idea to hold onto the roof rack and stand on the bumper..his wife stepped on the gas..roof rack came apart and he was left with a shattered ankle and a broken hospital for 5 days...Was it a curse to be one of our groomsmen or do I have to look forward to many colorful years?

Re: wedding over....just need to vent

  • Sounds like you FI needs new friends. Or at least, needs to not be left alone with any one of them for any length of time...
    Holy Crap. We survived the first year!
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Wow!! You're taking it all in stride which is great. If I were you though, I wouldn't ask these guys to put any cribs togeher if/when you two have children. :-)
  • Everyone but the mental hosptial guy are family..I am just counting my blessings that my FI knew better then to do some of the stuff! I was at the rehearsal after my husband which was bad because his step-mom had brought beer..that I was not happy after the rehersal not before! FI was already slurring...I love his family but seriously I think that they might all be alcoholics! His dad snuck a coor's into the wedding and did his toast with his coor's can and his coor's baseball hat on...deep breaths...One of his groomsmen decided to start smoking right in the middle of lawn during rehearsal...yeah needless to say the next day everyone was on their best least before the ceremony started! I know you guys must be thinking we had some hillbilly wedding..but it wasn't..which made it even worse I think...
  • Here is a link to some pic's from our wedding was so much fun, but oh my I am glad that its over! And thank goodness my friends/family are different...but man oh man I have to bite my tongue around his family sometimes! I just have to shake my head
  • Rented them from Mens Warehouse...they were $160 to rent
  • I'm considering the same colors and choices with the BM dresses! (Brown w/ the sash - but I want tea length dresses). Very nice pics! At least they were all able to make it to the wedding!
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  • Who did you marry, Johnny Knoxville? Yeesh! At least they made it to the wedding, and you haven't been sued (yet!) for anything they did at the reception. I'd count my blessings for that...
  • Many colorful years, since they're family.  Lucky to be one of your groomsmen, since there seems to be a relationship between being a groomsman and recovering from their misfortunes.  Thanksgiving and Christmas evening with your family, and early Christmas morning and Easter with his?  I think those two are non-drinking holidays that don't involve sharp objects and should be minimally disaster prone.
  • "Everyone but the mental hosptial guy are family."Well.. that is either very comforting or very frightening, considering the walking disasters a few cards short of a full deck is related to your husband... if it runs in the family, you're screwed. :)Best wishes on your many colorful years you have to look forward to!
  • a, i think not...just the type of people you and your groom chose to be in the wedding party.
  • Wow thats quite a story, glad you made it to your wedding day, You can say that your story of the events surrounding your wedding was quite something. I'm just shaking my head.
  • Good, glad you guys had the same reaction as me..I was just trying really really hard to not go bridezilla..and yes they are mostly don't think that we will be picking new ones anytime soon..haha
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