Wedding Party

Title in the Wedding Program

My MOH wants to be referred to as the "Best Woman" in the program.  You know - like why is the dude the "Best Man" but she has to be a "Maid."  I don't love it but I do love her and it's not really all that important to me either way.  But I don't know if it will throw people off, like - WTF does that mean?  Or maybe it's inconsequential enough that I should just do it, it's really not a big deal.
I'm not even sure what my question is...  Anyone seen it worded this way before?  Do you think people will miss the point or will people get a kick out of it?

Re: Title in the Wedding Program

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    OBX2011OBX2011 member
    First Anniversary First Answer 5 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited December 2011
    Your wedding, your decision.

    When she gets married, then she can make those decisions.

    Here is some history on where the titles originated from.


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    like the pp said above me...put it in as best woman since you dont really care and then in parenthesis next to it put (maid of honor) or something to clarify if you are that concerned it will throw people off.

    But honestly people will know exactly who she is when they see her by your side. Playful titles are a great way to show off your personality so if you dont mind i say go for it! But thats only if you want it...just cuz your friend wants it doesnt mean you have to have it.
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    I think you should pick - people will see her standing next to you and call her the maid of honor, no matter what the program says. Print what YOU want, unless you like the Best Woman title. I think it's silly, personally. You asked her to be your MOH not your Best Woman.
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    It's just a phrase. This isn't a hill to die on. Just make her happy and move on. Best Woman vs. MOH isn't going to affect your marriage or your wedding ceremony.

    As for your guests, they aren't going to give a flying crap. $20 says that most of them don't even notice.

    The majority of the ones who DO notice will say, "Oh, O.K., whatever. When's the open bar?" and move on.

    Anyone who's confused by "Best Woman" probably isn't very smart to begin with.

    Anyone who takes offense to "Best Woman" rather than "MOH" is a moron who'd probably have criticisms of your wedding no matter what, just for the sake of complaining.
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:37Discussion:11995d8b-c503-47a1-ad44-4f8bd394dc85Post:23a5e156-857e-42ed-a2f4-d3aa7894002f">Re: Title in the Wedding Program</a>:
    [QUOTE]List everyone under "Bridal party" and specify her as the "honor attendant" if you don't like the best woman term and feel compelled to compromise. If you don't feel like compromising about it, list her as the maid of honor. I think the whole thing is weird... It would be like a girl insist her high school call her a freshwoman rather than a freshman.
    Posted by KindaSparkly[/QUOTE]

    I agree with this. If it were me, I would just use honor attendants to avoid confusion or comments. I myself find "best woman" kind of strange if she is standing on your side, but it is your wedding, not mine.
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    Ok, first of all, I actually completely agree with everyone else who says that this isn't a big deal, so if she has strong opinions and you don't, why not just go along with her.

    That said, if I saw "Best Woman" in the program, I would assume it referred to a female honor attendant of the groom. (As in, a female person who stood closest to the groom on the groom's side.)  If it's the "maid" part she really objects to, and not the "of Honor," why not call her the "Woman of Honor"?  Just a thought.
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    I've heard "Best Woman" used as the term to describe the honour attendant of the groom, if the honour attendant happens to be a woman... but if you don't care and she wants it, I'm sure people can figure it out.. or do any of the above :)
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:37Discussion:11995d8b-c503-47a1-ad44-4f8bd394dc85Post:f7809ed7-59e1-460a-bcbe-3904bf7976ff">Re: Title in the Wedding Program</a>:
    [QUOTE]Also, unless you're having a super complicated ceremony, programs aren't really necc.
    Posted by jcbsjr[/QUOTE]

    I agree!  But FI wants them, because everyone from here has them.  I don't want to waste my time, effort, energy, and money!  Maybe I will "forget" them for our DW!
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    Just because you saw it on Four Weddings, doesn't mean it's a good idea.
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    I like the wording of Jane Doe-Best Woman(Maid of Honor). Just let her have her cup of tea.

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