So, I'm having some major issues with two guests / bridal party members. My MOH is in a relationship but not engaged, and so is very jealous of me and my wedding. She planned a simple bachelorette party (manicure, pedicure, dinner, movie kind of thing) but we had to cancel it because one of our friends went into labor that day, and we had all agreed on a backupdate if that happened. But I get an angry email from her that I chose our pregnant friend over her, and by canceling I threw her in a mud puddle and stepped on her. O.o
When the rest of the attendants convinced her to have a back-up date, she's making all the plans / times conform to what she wants, even when I clearly said I preferred something else.
Then my MOH asks me if her mom can come watch the wedding. I'm getting married on a beach, with the guest list a very small 23 total, close family only. Her mom is not close to me at all, and I have other family that I wish I could have invited but couldn't, yet she thinks it's ok for her mom to just show up and watch her (not even to be there for me)? />.<
Also, my flower girl is 7. Her mom is my groom's sister. She had the nerve to ask me if I would move my entire wedding indoors off the beach, where we wanted it, if her daughter is too cold but all the adults are fine.
Am I being selfish by telling these people no? That the flower girl can wear a sweater or sit it out if she's cold but we're not? Are these crazy requests, or are they valid? Do I have a right to be upset?
I feel like they're trying to make my wedding day about themselves as much as they can, and I don't really know how to handle it.