Wedding Party

Too many groomsmen

Hi.  We have 5 bridesmaids counting the Maid Of Honor and 10 groomsmen.  We haven't asked anyone yet to be either role,  but how on Earth are we supposed to dwindle down the men?

Neither one of us wants to ask less men and I don't want to have to choose 5 other women "just because they will fill the space".  I know we could leave it as is,  but to me,  that's gonna looks rediculous.

The men in question are cousins who's weddings my fiancee has been in and the remaining are his close friends.  I said being he was the usher in some of those guys weddings,  to make those guys our ushers,  but he doesn't have the heart to do that as he genuinely wants all these men to stand up for him.

Any suggestions?  We are in a jam.

Re: Too many groomsmen

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    Ask the people you love most. Don't ask the people you don't love most. Don't include/exclude people just because you think it won't "look right." It's really that simple.

    You're overestimating just how much people are going to care about this sort of thing. They are coming to your wedding to witness your marriage and then have fun with you afterward. They couldn't give a flying crap about details like this. Would your enjoyment of a friend's wedding, or looking at her photos afterward, really be impacted if her bridal party wasn't perfectly even or nearly even?

    Everyone else should be so lucky as to have 15 really close friends ... it's really a shame that you think that you need to cut some of those people out of your bridal party because you think that the way things look is more important.
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    Yes,  he was an usher in some of their weddings and could easily ask them to be ushers in ours,  but these 15 people really are our very close friends.  We don't want to have to ask less.

    You know what though?  I'm glad your worded it the way you did.  I guess it really doesn't matter if we have more on one side.  We ARE lucky to have 15 close friends we want in our wedding party.

    Thanks for your quick responses.
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    Ask everyone who you want to ask. Don't worry about having uneven sides or too many people. And don't just ask girls to stand up to have things even- you already mentioned you don't want to but just reiterating.

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    Uneven sides are perfectly ok!! Your photographer is a professional and can make it look fantastic if that is why you are far as what people will think--they wont notice.

    I had uneven sides and it was perfectly fine! With that said, only ask those nearest and dearest to you to be in the WP. So many people post on here about regretting their decision so it is a good thing you have waited..but dont cut people out of your decision because you want even sides. That makes your friends sound more like pawns than people.

    good luck!
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    Uneven sides are A-OK!

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    I LOVE these posts!  So uplifting!  Thank you so much!  We are doing it as we see fit:  Keeping everyone!  :)

    Merry Christmas!
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    You don't need to have even sides.  Lots of people don't. :-)

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    I'm having a wedding party of 16  :) 

    We are both VERY blessed to have such great friends/family and I wouldn't dream of cutting them (and hurting feelings!) just so that my wedding "looked a certain way". 
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