Wedding Party

Bridal Party Help

I'm so confused with my whole bridal party.  Is it odd to have a larger amount of woman than men in the bridal party?

My Fiance has two really close guys friends whom he will be asking to be a groomsman and his best man.

I have four woman I have already asked to be in the wedding.  My best friend from high school who will be the maid of honor, my future sister in law (who we are really close with), another close friend, and a friend of both my fiance and mine.

My problem is I have 3 little sisters (17,15, and 11).  I would love to include them in the wedding but is it crazy to have 7 woman and only 2 men?  Should I not care and have them be bridesmaids/flower girls or give them a different role?

Please help me!

Re: Bridal Party Help

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    Uneven sides is perfectly is almost the norm now a days.  You have who you want and let your FI pick who he wants.  (As an example...I had two BMs and my H and five one thought it was strange and the pictures looked great!)

    If you want your sisters to be in the wedding them have them as bridesmaids...they are all too old, IMO, to be flower girls...and any other role besides BM would be a pointless and ridiculous job that no one would want, especially since they are older (such as program hander-outer, guestbook attendant, etc)

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    Your sisters could be ushers.
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    Stop and think about it ... would you really leave your own sisters out of your wedding just because it "might not look right"?

    Also, would your enjoyment of someone else's wedding ever be descreased by an uneven bridal party? Furthermore, would you ever really give a flying crap about how many bridal party members a friend had in her wedding?

    You're kidding yourself if you think that anyone cares that much about your wedding aside from being there to congratulate you and celebrate with you and be with the other people they love most. And anyone who DOES care about the stuff other than that is a miserable lunatic who has nothing better to do than critique other people for meaningless details.

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    Uneven sides are fine.
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    Uneven sides is perfectly fine. Ask everyone who you'd like to stand up there with you.

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