So, my fiancee has 4 groomsmen, one is my brother, 1 college friend and 2 lifetime friends. All 4 of them are out of state. All four of them committed to be at the wedding last May. Our wedding is now next month, 45 days away and my brother is still the only one who has been fitted for his tux and made travel arrangements (and thats just because my mom has been on him to do it!). All 3 of my fiancee's friends keep saying they are waiting unitl they have the money to buy the tickets and hotel rooms. Now, correct me if I'm wrong but if you haven't had the money in the last 9 months, where is it going to come from in the next month?? My fiancee is not into confrontation, and thinks they will pull through without him bugging them. I totally understand financial trouble, I just wish they would have not committed to the wedding in the first place if they couldn't afford it. We have already had to replace one of his groomsmen because his wife got pregnant, I don't want to replace any more! I am having a minor freak out over this, I keep picturing us standing there will all 4 of my bridesmaids and then just my brother because all the rest couldn't make it at the last minute. Has anyone had any problems with this or am I being a complete bridezilla?